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Ceremony of investment certificates projects of Industrial zones- urban and VSIP Nghe An service
Posted on: 24/8/2015 - Viewed: 1770

This afternoon (30/6), in Vinh City, People’s Committee of Nghe An province held a Ceremony  of investment certificates projects of Industrial zones- urban and VSIP  Nghe Anservicefor Nguyen Phu Thinh - General Director of Investment and  Industrial Development Corporation -  Becamex IDC One Member Co., Ltd  (Becamex IDC).


Attending the ceremony have Comrade . Ho Duc Phoc - Secretary of  provincial Party Committee; Tran Hong Chau - Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee  and Chairman of Provincial People’s Council; Nguyen Xuan Duong - Deputy Secretary of  provincial Party Committee, Chairman of PPC ; Le Quang Huy - Deputy Secretary of  provincial Party Committee; The comrades of the Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee; The comrades of Provincial Party executive committee


Leaders of Nghe An  province granted  investment certificate to the project owner


Complex  zone of Industrial - Urban - VSIP Nghe An  Services Project has a total area of about 750 hectares. The project will be due  VSIP Nghe AnCo., Ltdimplementation and directly under Vietnam Singapore Industrial zoneCo., LTD  LD company (VSIP). VSIP is a joint venture between Investment and  Industrial Development CorporationBecamex IDC and coalition Singapore investors represented by Sembcorp Group .


Nghe An VSIP projects will be developed into several stages. In the investment certificate issued at the ceremony today, Nghe An province has approved VSIP development phase 1 of the project with an area of 198 hectares and 81 hectares of industrial land and commercial land, housing. Total capital investment phase 1 is about USD 15.2 million.


The industry attracted to   VSIP Nghe include: Textile, production, processing and distribution of agricultural and fast moving consumer goods producers    (FMCG). The investors in VSIP Nghe An will be entitled to special tax incentives in economic zones under current law.


VSIP Nghe An is 7thprojects in Vietnam, after the project in Binh Duong, Bac Ninh, Hai Phong, Hai Duong and Quang Ngai. To date, the total land area  of VSIP are planned and developed more than 6,000 hectares. As expected, Project of  industrial zone -  urban and VSIP Nghe An service will be started dated 16.09.2015.


Mr Nguyen Phu Thinh - General Director of Investment and  Industrial Development Corporation -   Becamex IDC One Member Co., Ltd  said at the ceremony


Speaking at the ceremony, General Director of Investment and  Industrial Development Corporation -   Becamex IDC One Member Co., Ltdemphasized, this is one of the projects within the cooperation program between the governments of Vietnam and Singapore. Over a study period of Becamex IDC, especially the determination of leaders of Nghe An province, so far the project has been granted investment certificates. Mr. Nguyen Phu Thinh desired leaders Nghe An and leaders of Becamex IDC will promptly


Comrade . Ho Duc Phoc - Secretary of  provincial Party Committee spoke at the ceremony


On behalf of  leaders of Nghe An province, Comrade . Ho Duc Phoc - Secretary of  provincial Party Committee welcomes the investment of Becamex IDC in Nghe An province; Marks a new move of the province in attracting investment. Secretary of  provincial Party Committee Ho Duc Phoc request PPC to  Steering departments and agencies, Hung Nguyen district in coordination with investors to implement the project; Timely resolution of difficulties and obstacles to project completion schedule.


Regarding zoning planning  report at 1/2000 ratio VSIP Nghe An industrial zones -  Nghe An province, the Provincial Standing Committee of Nghe An will give opinions in the shortest time for investors to implement the project.


Representative consultant units of zoning planning  report at 1/2000 ratio


Earlier, the consultant  units reported zoning planning   at 1/2000 ratio VSIP Nghe An industrial zones -  Nghe An province .Highlights of industrial zones , urban and VSIP Nghe An service is a clean and green industrial zones


Phuong Thuy

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Giấy phép số: 253/GP-TTĐT ngày 19/11/2010 do Bộ Thông tin và truyền thông cấp
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