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Cultural and social development
I. Population and labor

I.1. Population

Reducing the natural population growth rate of 0.03-0.05% per year, at the same time, encouraging the high quality population growth to reach 30,000 people by 2020 (35,000 in the old plan).

On the basis of well-implemented and effective family planning programs of the State, continuing to invest in infrastructure, improving services of family planning, combining cooperation among departments, echelons in the propaganda campaigns and multiple good examples to achieve population objectives.

Reorganizing the population in the city in line with administrative units. Ensuring the population density of 8,000-10,000 people per square kilometers in the city and 5.000-6,000 people per square kilometers in the suburbs.

I.2. Labor and Jobs

Attracting qualified and skillful labors. Intensifying vocational training to improve the labor quality to meet the socio-economic development in the orientation of industrialization and modernization. Ensuring qualified labors accounting for 80% labor forces. Increasing the rate of under-graduate and postgraduate labors to 14-15% of labor forces in complying with the following structure: 1 undergraduate labor - 4 vocational training labors - 10-technique workers.

Increasing 2,000-2,500 jobs per year in the period 2000-2005 and 3,000-5,000 jobs per year in the period 2006-2010.

Increasing labors for the industry and service. Transforming certain agricultural labors into the service and industrial production. Decreasing the unemployment rate to lower than 4% by 2010.

Enhancing the productivity by 2010 three times as much as that of 2000.

II. Education and training

Socializing and diversifying education and training forms to create well-educated people in terms of morality, knowledge, health, beauty, profession, being adhere to ideology of independence and socialism to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization.

Promoting education and training in line with socio-economic development of the city, the province and the whole region. Building the city as an education and training center of the region to satisfy the needs of training human resources for the region and the nation.

Education and training are top priorities. It’s imperative to invest in, to enhance the quality and restructure human resources. Education and training become driving forces to promote socio-economic development.

Striving to mobilize all the children under 6 years old to go to kindergartens and the children from 11-15 to go to secondary schools by 2005.

Strengthening university education and vocational training to reach 80% qualified labors by 2010. Diversifying education and training forms. Reorganizing specialized and vocational schools to meet the provincial and regional development. Concentrating on training workers for key factories and centralized industrial zones in the time to come. Creating preferential treatments for the external skillful craftsman to do business and teach in the city. Building up mechanism and policy to encourage people to study traditional crafts in other provinces.

Building schools to provide enough rooms for pupils. Modernizing study and teaching equipment. Educating pupils comprehensively. Intensifying the investment to build schools and infrastructure for teaching and studying by different capital sources including the great contribution of people.

Enhancing the quality of managers and teachers. Standardizing teachers, lecturers and innovating educational and training methods.

III. Culture, Information and Sports

III.1. Culture and Information

Providing cultural and information activities for local people to improve locals’ spiritual and cultural life. Strive to increase the rate of "streets of culture" to 70-80% and "cultured families" to 90-95% in 2010.

Building up cultural and information institution at city level and local level. Set up the center of culture and information of the city: after 2005, all districts will have centers of culture and information including libraries and museums.

Preserving, exploiting and bringing into full play the national cultural relics:

  • Material culture: preserve and restore architectural relics such as: Hong Son Temple, Can Linh Pagoda, Vinh Ancient Citadel, Phuong Hoang Trung Do Fortress, Ben Thuy Revolutionary Relic...
  • Spiritual culture: restore traditional festivals; organize traditional and cultural festivals, games and kung fu performance during lunar new years’ holidays and feast days.

Promoting the publication and printing. Accelerating the productivity of printing companies up to 3 billions pages per year. Concentrating on preservation and restoration of traditional and cultural relics. Upgrading the library of the city, increase the volume and the diversity of books to meet the demand of society. Planning the advertising and information system.

Strengthening state control over culture to strongly ban cultural poisonous flows. Eradicating superstitions and outdated customs to build a healthy cultural and civilized life.

III.2. Sports

Socializing sports activities to make Vinh City become one of 8 national sports centers as well as the sports center of the North Central.

Developing sports public movements, enhancing sports education and activities at schools. Training professional athletes to compete in some games and train talented sportsman for province and nation. Making city and province to be sports center of the nation.

III.3. Medicine and Health Protection

Providing primary health cares for people with higher and better quality. Improving the quality of medical treatments especially the quality of emergency, focusing on the recuperation after medical treatments. Developing medical services including services to answer questions relating to health; encouraging the development of the model "doctor of family". Certain of streets should have certain of doctors to take care for the health of the community.

Carrying out preventive measures against bacterial infection, social diseases (sexual disease...) and some common diseases in developed countries such as: cardiac disease, cancer, and occupational diseases...

Accelerating the implementations of family planning along with the protection of mothers and children. Providing suitable nutrition with high quality for children to eliminate the malnutrition in 2010.

Improving standard of living, increase life expectancy and stature. Maintaining and improving the hygiene of the city to ensure living standards.

Building the city’s medical care as a medical center of the North Central to cure patients in the region.

Improving medical infrastructure and equipment. Modernizing clinics of the city and

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Giấy phép số: 253/GP-TTĐT ngày 19/11/2010 do Bộ Thông tin và truyền thông cấp
Cơ quan chủ quản: UBND TP Vinh - Địa chỉ: Số 27 Đường Lê Mao – TP Vinh. 
Hotline: 02383.840.039. 02383. 842574      Mail: Vinhcity.ptth@gmail.com
Chịu trách nhiệm chính: Ông Trần Ngọc Tú – Chủ tịch UBND Thành phố Vinh

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